Movingto Hall 6.2H, in addition to the dazzling array of digital printingequipment, the dazzling array of media and materials here is evenmore dazzling. There are various types of spray painted fabrics,ranging from lightweight and breathable materials suitable forshort-term outdoor displays to thick and durable types that canwithstand harsh weather conditions; The stickiness and durabilityof adhesive products have been carefully adjusted, so whether it ispasting small posters or large outdoor advertisements, they can beas stable as Mount Tai; The reflective effect ofreflective
materialsis like shining stars at night, greatly enhancing the visibility oftraffic safety signs and advertisements; The quality of photo paperand related digital printing consumables is outstanding, capable ofreproducing every image detail delicately and realistically, makingphoto printing reach the level of a professional gallery; The inkand its color stability and weather resistance have been rigorouslytested to ensure that printed materials remain vibrant and new evenunder prolonged exposure to light and wind and rain; Acrylic sheet,PVC foam board, aluminum-plastic panel and other materials providea solid, reliable and creative foundation for advertisingproduction. They can be transformed into various shapes and shapesthrough cutting, bending, splicing and other processes, meeting thecreative ideas of designers.
7.2H馆堪称智能切割及雕刻技术的“大观园”。在这里,切割设备、雕刻机、激光雕刻机、CNC 雕刻系统以及新兴的 3D打印设备汇聚一堂,共同演绎着一场科技与艺术完美融合的精彩大戏。先进的切割设备能够以微米级的精度对金属板材进行切割,其切割边缘光滑平整,无需二次加工即可直接用于精密机械制造;雕刻机在木材、石材等材料上精雕细琢,无论是细腻的纹理还是复杂的图案都能栩栩如生地呈现;激光雕刻机则以其独特的非接触式加工方式,在玻璃、水晶等易碎材料上创造出令人惊叹的精美作品;
CNC雕刻系统凭借其强大的自动化与智能化功能,实现了批量生产与个性化定制的无缝衔接;而 3D打印技术更是突破了传统制造工艺的束缚,能够根据数字模型快速构建出具有复杂结构与独特形状的物体,在工业设计、医疗器械制造等领域展现出巨大的应用潜力。该馆还设有数码喷印技术设备和图文快印设备展区,以及展示印刷包装行业dingjian水准的精品展示区。从高速高效的数码喷绘设备到精准细腻的户内外数码写真设备,从多功能的UV 平板打印机、UV卷材打印机到专业级的数码影像技术输出设备,从便捷实用的条幅机、冷裱机、接驳机、覆膜机到种类繁多的喷印设备相关耗材及配件,无一不让人感受到广印行业技术的博大精深与应用的广泛多元。